Run evaluations

In this section, we will show how to start programmatically evaluation runs in the Hub. For example, you may want to systematically launch evaluation runs every time you deploy an updated model in a pre-production or staging environment. In this way, you can collaborate with your team to ensure that the model is performing as expected.


In this section we will run evaluation against models configured in the Hub. If you want to evaluate a local model that is not yet exposed with an API, check the Evaluate local models.

As usual, let’s initialize the Hub client and set our current project ID:

import os
from giskard_hub import HubClient

hub = HubClient()

project_id = os.getenv("HUB_PROJECT_ID")

Configure the model

First, we need to configure the model that we want to evaluate. The model will need to be accessible from a remote API endpoint.

We can configure the model endpoint in the Hub:

model = hub.models.create(
    name="MyBot (staging)",
    description="A chatbot that answers questions about the weather",

    # if your model endpoint needs special headers:
    headers={"X-API-Key": "SECRET_TOKEN"},

You can test that everything is working by sending a test request to the model

response =[{
    "role": "user",
    "content": "What's the weather like in Rome?"

# ModelOutput(message=ChatMessage(role='assistant', content='It is sunny!'))

Launch a remote evaluation

Now that the model is configured, we can launch an evaluation run. We first need to know which dataset we will run the evaluation on. If you are running this in the CI/CD pipeline, we recommend setting the dataset ID in the environment.

dataset_id = os.getenv("HUB_EVAL_DATASET_ID")

We can now launch the evaluation run:

eval_run = hub.evaluate(,
    # optionally, specify a name

The evaluation run will be queued and processed by the Hub. The evaluate method will immediately return an EvaluationRun object while the evaluation is running. Note however that this object will not contain the evaluation results until the evaluation is completed.

You can wait until the evaluation run has finished running with the wait_for_completion method:

    # optionally, specify a timeout in seconds (10 min by default)

This will block until the evaluation is completed and update the eval_run object in-place. The method will wait for up to 10 minutes for the evaluation to complete. If the evaluation takes longer, the method will raise a TimeoutError.

Then, you can print the results:

# Let's print the evaluation results
Evaluation metrics output

Evaluation metrics output

Once the evaluation is completed, may want to compare the results with some thresholds to decide whether to promote the model to production or not.

You can retrieve the metrics from eval_run.metrics: this will contain a list of Metric objects.

For example:

CI/CD pipeline example
import sys

# make sure to wait for completion or the metrics may be empty

for metric in eval_run.metrics:
    print(, metric.percentage})

    if metric.percentage < 90:
        print(f"FAILED: {} is below 90%.")

That covers the basics of running evaluations in the Hub. You can now integrate this code in your CI/CD pipeline to automatically evaluate your models every time you deploy a new version.


If you want to run evaluations on a local model that is not yet exposed with an API, check the Evaluate local models.