Managing datasets

In this section, we will show how to import datasets and conversations programmatically. This allows for full control over the import process and is especially useful when you have to import datasets or conversations in bulk (for example, if you want to import production data).

Let’s start by initializing the Hub client.

from giskard_hub import HubClient

hub = HubClient()


If you didn’t set up the environment variables, you will need to provide the API key and the Hub URL explicitly:

hub = HubClient(api_key=..., hub_url=...)

You can now use the hub client to control the LLM Hub! Let’s start by creating a fresh project.

Prepare the dataset

If you don’t have a dataset already, you can create one. A dataset is a collection of conversations that are used to evaluate your agents.

dataset = hub.datasets.create(
    project_id="5f5e2b3b7b3f9b001f3f3b3d",  # The ID of the project where the dataset will be created
    name="Production Data",
    description="This dataset contains conversations that " \
    "are automatically sampled from the production environment.",

If you already have a dataset, you can retrieve it by its ID:

dataset = hub.datasets.retrieve("666030a0d41f357fd061374c")

Import conversations

You can now add conversations to the dataset. Conversations are a collection of messages together with evaluation parameters (e.g., the expected answer, or rules that the agent must follow when responding).

The list of messages is the only required parameter. Each message is a dictionary with keys role and content.


Do not include last assistant answer in the list of messages. In fact, during evaluation, we will pass the conversation to your agent and expect it to generate an assistant answer. The newly generated answer will be evaluated against the expected output or the rules.

If you want to show the last assistant answer to the user, you can include it in the conversation as demo_output. In this way, it will be shown in the dataset, but not used in the evaluation.

You can also pass two types of evaluation annotations:

  • expected_output A reference answer that will be used to determine the correctness of the agent’s response

  • rules A list of rules that the agent must follow when generating the answer.

For better organization, you can also assign tags to the conversation.


    # A list of messages, without the last assistant answer
        {"role": "user", "content": "Hi, I have problems the laptop I bought from you."},
        {"role": "assistant", "content": "I'm sorry to hear that. What seems to be the problem?"},
        {"role": "user", "content": "The battery is not charging."},

    # We can place a recorded answer as `demo_output` (optional)
    demo_output={"role": "assistant", "content": "I see. Have you tried to restart the laptop?"},

    # Tags (optional)

    # Evaluation settings (optional)
    expected_output="I see, could you please give me the model number of the laptop?",
        "The assistant should employ a polite and friendly tone.",

You can add as many conversations as you want to the dataset.

Retrieving and editing conversations

You can also retrieve existing conversation for editing or deletion.

For example, in certain cases you may want programmatically assign certain annotations to the conversation, or update the conversation with the new data.

Let’s say we want to add the tag “tech” to all conversations containing the word “laptop” in the user message:

# Retrieve all conversations
conversations = hub.conversations.list(

# Or simply
conversations = dataset.conversations

# Update the conversations
for conversation in conversations:
    if "laptop" in conversation.messages[0].content:
        # This will only update the tags, without changing the other fields
            tags=conversation.tags + ["tech"]

Finally, you can delete conversations that you no longer need. For example:

conversation_to_delete = dataset.conversations[0]


This will definitively remove the conversation from the Hub.